Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Bronx is Up And The Battery’s Down

New York is bizarre in the heat. It's almost like the temperature and the humidity just hang mid air. If I were a pretentious person I'd say it were a "tangible heat." And since I am a pretentious person, I'll just say it... "it's a tangible heat."

I have escaped for some photo shoots in the park, which have been great. Central Park has a selection of different backdrops, and with everything in full summer bloom, it's amazing. I've been lucky to see the park change from the winter, to the spring to the summer, and now I'm just waiting for the fall colours...which I'm anticipating will be most impressive.

So, with all my anecdotal blogs about New York since I got here, I've not really given a decent here it is...

I moved to NY. It was something of a financial 'risk' - I basically sold up everything in Orlando and just moved. It reminded me a bit of moving to America 6 years ago... I just...did it. My awesome friends and roommates (Michael Colavolpe and Kevin Bee) were superb...and supportive in my going (despite being slap in the middle of a 12 month lease with them... ooops.)

The window of opportunity was only open for a little while, so I leaped through it while I could. I was ready to make some big changes in my life...

NY is so expensive. It reminds me of London, in that the rent is high, the cost of living is pretty high... But I have to tell you: I feel like I am so settled already. I'm energised...busy...working... and I really love it!

I had an audition for a sitcom pilot. When I told my grandmother that, she thought it was a sitcom about pilots.

The character I auditioned for was a mid-twenties British guy...well, I got the job. I shot the pilot episode (the test episode that gets sent to the tv channels for approval...that clarification is for if my grandmother reads this blog) and I was told I did a brilliant job. Actually, I'm sure nobody used the word 'Brilliant' - I suppose that's just proof that I'm paraphrasing. Who knows what will happen with that, but my role is if I'm kept on...I'll be shooting more.

I read a statistic before I left Orlando that there was an abundance of single women in New York - it seems they've all scattered behind the trees, or they've all gone underground for the summer, as I haven't met any. I've mainly met outrageously gorgeous models, who have boyfriends who look like girls, with no personality.

I asked one guy (who was 'hanging out' while I shot his girlfriend) "I'm new in town, so I'm always looking for something to do, what do you do for entertainment?" He said "Sushi"

I was holding out for a full sentence…but I guess they don't teach that at "douche" school.

The glorious and wonderful Allison Van Ness invited me to a 4th Of July party in Connecticut last week. I must confess, it was my first ever 4th Of July party. One person at the party did ask me if we celebrated 4th of July in the UK. You would think I would scoff, and say something rude... but I was a guest. So I just slapped her and said 'get a fucking education'

I make an awesome first impression.

The party was great and I got to hang out with Allison to celebrate 'hooray for America day' - I ate deep friend Oreos. I was my typical cynical self saying things like "What are you thinking, why would you deep fry baked goods...." But then I ate one... "Well ...GOD BLESS AMERICA" (I don't have a fryer at home, so I'll have to figure out a way to rig something so I can deep fry Oreos at home. And potentially other things too.)

I fell of a hammock and did a little tumbling on the family trampoline...which kept the Americans amused. But I had the most wonderful day, which is rare - because I usually spend 4th of July inside, peering through the curtains watching the fireworks saying "one day we'll take it back, you'll see...."

Would you believe I may be back in Florida at the end of this month for a few days...Miami and Orlando, and then also I'll be in Chicago in early August...both for work...but I'll try and swing a little socializing in both places, I'm sure...

Right now, I'm off to take photos of the line outside the Apple store.... I thought about standing in the line (to buy the brand new iPhone) but I think I'll wait a few days.

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